Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year!

It's been a really good month. I was able to be off from work for a 1.5 weeks leading up to the new year. We had attempted painting our bathroom and gave up, calling a professional company to come out for an estimate next week. We went from sanding the wall to chipping the current and past layer of paint. And then...when we entered "OMFG the layer of paint attached to the plaster board (the wall) is coming off" territory, we decided it was much to complex a project for ourselves. We'll get an estimate on Monday.

Aside from this project, I've worked on a pair of Eric's Glovelets (found on Ravlery) for my sister, who bought the pattern ions ago but found she doesn't work well with double pointed needles and has never knit a gusset. It was a really quick knit and taught me that the thumb gusset on the Hurry Up Spring Armwarmers (in Stitch 'n Bitch Nation) have serious issues. The biggest plus is that when she bought the kit, it came with two skeins and it only took one to do the gloves (she has small hands and I did some modifications) so now I have enough to make a pair for myself. I used Frog Tree Alpalca Sportweight. It is some of the softest yarn I have used.

For Christmas, I received a few knitting gifts, including:
  • Subscription to Interweave Knits
  • Blocking Board
  • Fiber Fantasy Sweater Blockers
  • T-pins
  • Knit Klips
  • WEBS Gift Certificate

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blackbird - 6th Shipment of Socks that Rock

As the name of the yarn states, this yarn is black. The colors range from black, grey, burgundy. It's a yarn that is just as easily an abyss/absence of color. Because I only knit one of the kits, I won't be renewing my membership. It's for the best really.